Bladder, Bowel and Stoma Handbook

The essential guide to product selection

Sterculia (Normacol)

Norgine BV


Bulk-forming laxative. The active ingredient is Sterculia BP 62% w/w. Posology adults: 1 or 2 sachets or 1-2 heaped 5ml spoonfuls, once or twice daily after meals. Older People: As adult dose. Paediatric population Children: (6–12 years): one half the above amount NORMACOL is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. NORMACOL is a registered trademark of the Norgine group of companies

Sizes Available

Sachet ×2, ×7, ×30 or ×60; sachet plus ×1



More on: Medications (constipation)